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High Security

High Security

Most (if not all) hacks are software based.

The Sitehop SAFEblade 1100 user data is never in software, it passes through a series of custom designed hardware devices on a single chip. Communication to-and-from the hardware is strictly controlled.

The hacker attack profile is extremely small, and that the throughput time of the device (latency) is as short as possible.

Sitehop SAFEblade 1100 encryption keys are held by the user/company, not third-party companies.

Protected programmable hardware is used to increase security over alternative software solutions, by reducing the attack surface and making them much harder for cyber criminals to compromise. The SAFEblade 1100 is designed so that the Encapsulated Security Payload (ESP - the user data) never leaves the hardware so it is never in software. The SAFEblade 1100 utilizes high grade cryptography (AES-256-GCM) to keep the ESP data secure.


Sitehop uses AES-256-GCM encryption, implemented completely in the FPGA chip. AES-GCM is carried out with the key-length of 256-bit is suitable to perform at high speed of electronic applications in term of security. Advanced Encryption Standard with Galois Counter Mode (AES-GCM) is introduced by United States of America National Institute for Standard and Technology (NIST).

AES-256 is 340 billion-billion-billion-billion times harder to brute force than AES-128. To put this into perspective, the universe is 14 billion years old. It is therefore SAFE100 to say that even at its lower bit sizes, AES is highly resistant to brute force attacks from conventional computers.

One of the company’s unique selling points is that all the encryption and VPN functions are performed 100% in the FPGA chip. This is significant because this approach greatly reduces the attack plane for intrusion. Software gets hacked by finding exploits. The hardware is designed for a very specific task.

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